forgot about this:
DTD (Document Type Definition) - defines the elements and attributes that are allowed in the XML document. You link this dog to the XML with the following syntax:
element SYSTEM
path of DTD file>
web-app PUBLIC
"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.1//EN"
K, lets do another:
DOM (Document Object Model) - if you are wondering how XML is seen in your program, this is one way of doing it. As i understand, it is some sort of object with a structure, perhaps like a list of lists much like how we see XMLs are like visually. However, note that it loads the whole XML into memory, thereby exposing it to trouble like resource consumption. The advantage of this is you can manipulate and navigate the structure however you like. Platform independent as well.
SAX (Simple API for XML) - another way of looking at XML. Simply put, it is an incremental parser, much like a tour guide in a field trip: you don't get random access to the XML, but it is fast.
JDOM - the alternative for DOM and SAX, this one is Java based offering the speed of using SAX, and the random-access possibility of using DOM -- without mem problems. Since it is Java based, it is integrated with the Collections framework, i.e. in the form of Lists, Maps, etc.
i'm a little excited today. More than three years using Java for development (might i say, i stagnated in those three years ... i don't have the fire to expand what i know) and it is only now that i'll be formally studying XML. Well, it is still self study, but nevertheless, this is my chance to know how this damn thing works and not just that 'file' i see as web-dot-xml. Damn smart people try to invent something new everyday.
After that, it will be XSL and XSLT. If you hear me saying about stuff like this, you will only here 'XSL' because in my mind XSL and XSLT are interchangeable abbreviations :)
XML - eXtensible Markup Language
XSL - eXtensible Stylesheet Language
XSL - XSL Transformations
SGML - Standard Generalized Markup Language
what's SGML you say? according to what i just researched, XML is supposed to be a subset of SGML. hmm, my brain is shutting down